【起始】長頭:坐骨結節 短頭:大腿骨後面(大腿骨粗線)
【支配神経】長頭:脛骨神経 L5〜S2 短頭:腓骨神経 L4〜S1
【主な機能】股関節 伸展 外旋 膝関節 屈曲 外旋
中村 隆一 (著), 斎藤 宏 (著), 長崎 浩 (著) :基礎運動学 第6版
Insertion the head of the fibula which articulates with the back of the lateral tibial condyle
Artery: inferior gluteal artery, perforating arteries, popliteal artery
Nerve: long head: tibial nerve
short head: common peroneal nerve
Actions: flexes knee joint, laterally rotates knee joint (when knee is flexed), extends hip joint (long head only)
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